Oh, this Boils My Coffee

When I came home from volunteering last night, Tim Stevenson, the NDP candidate for my riding of Vancouver-Burrard, had a clear lead. By the time I had eaten my KD and watched Gordo’s acceptance speech on mute (golden decade! moving forward! moving forward to golden opportunity! forward!), Lorne “I’ll chase you down the street, bad panhandler man, because you’re a menace to society” Mayencourt had a slight edge. And this morning, it appears that Lorne-o has won. How many votes more than Tim did he get? 13.

Forget the idea of vote splitting with the Green Party. Who the fuck voted for the Platinum Party? (“The members of our party are less concerned with policy of the current regime and more concerned about the actual structure of it.” Yeah? I’m concerned about your SENTENCE STRUCTURE.) I’m just curious, because the Platinum Party got 26 votes and Tim needed those votes. Or they could’ve gone to Lorne-o and made his victory a little less – um – asshat.

Sorry. Words fail. Asshat asshat asshat.

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