Pretty Damn Creepy, Actually

Harper and Duceppe, the new Wonder Twins (or are they boyfriend and boyfriend?) attending a holocaust memorial. Didn’t anyone ever tell them to pay attention and face front? Are all our elected officials just a bunch of whiny kindergarteners who don’t know how to behave? (See this story about the bickering between the federal leaders about who was going to the Netherlands for the VE day celebrations and who was staying home. In the end, they all went for one day. Too bad it was one day later than the ceremonies.) Maybe they should have been held back in grade 1 but the teacher didn’t want to deal with them anymore so s/he passed them on to grade 2 and so on and so on through high school and law school and into public office? I’m about ready to take my guns and head for a cabin in Montana to live out the rest of my life evading taxes and eating squirrel.

No, not really.

(from this story about today’s non-confidence motion. My breath is so totally bated.)

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