Please, Don’t Go!

Am I the only person who has gone shopping for a raincoat and come home with a bikini?

Happy February! This month rules, in part because it is short and brings us closer to spring, which is sometimes a happy, hopeful thing; in part because it is my birth-month (and that of countless others) and do we ever get past that 5-year-old screaming, “Where’s my CAKE!”? OK, fine, some of you do. But I really like cake.

Also, it’s Black History Month and check out this cool thing that happened today…but 45 years ago.

But those things are not why I like February, just like I don’t like “In the Skin of A Lion” just because one of the characters shares my name.

I like February because its name is hard to say. FebUary? FeBERary?
Because its length changes from year to year. Every year, someone says, “Is it 28 or 29 days this year?” Three out of four years, a bunch of people have no birthday at all. Yeesh!
Because it is the only month that starts with “f” and “f” starts so many grand words. (Flog! Foozeball!)
Because it means January is over. January is just too long – who’s with me? 31 days of endless, slogging January after all that Sparkle! Wine! For Me? Really? holiday nonsense? Yack.

Mostly I stopped in to wax poetic on February because a few days ago I said it was almost February and then I got busy (bizayyyyy!) and now it IS February and I am so pleased.

And so, as it is nearly wednesday and new horoscope time, I respectfully quote Rob Brezny to all Aquarians:

“Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what’s right,” advised science writer Isaac Asimov. I nominate this to be your motto in the coming week, Aquarius. Adhering too closely to your habitual notions of good and bad could lead you astray in two ways: It could cause you to inflict unnecessary harm, and it could result in you missing out on a one-of-a-kind opportunity. I’m not saying you should be bad, just that you should avoid making generalizations based on past experience.

PS: Need a reason to go to Vegas? No! Of Course Not!

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