Secret Identity Internet Links (Yay!)

What if you pretended you were three people, to make your own life seem less ordinary? This girl talks about her friend, Rachael, and it sounds to me like Rachael is an imaginary friend. But there is Rachael’s blog, linked right above the other BF, Beth and the two BFs seem real but what if all three are just a construct of one?

What fun but how exhausting it would be to maintain three lives. I think I won’t do that.

And then here, here we have some spammer’s blog? When I read “here we have the best baby-making toy” I was like, OK well moving along then but when I scrolled down it just got weirder and weirder. Did not click any of the links. Do not recommend that you do either but scroll to the bottom for fun and laughter. I particularly enjoyed this entry:

“Sometimes when you’re getting advice from all over the place on Original Star Toy War it’s hard to wade through the sagacious renderings from the bad advice. There’s so much good, sound, relevant material on Original Star Toy War that it’s often very hard to know where to start. When we began this site we knew that we were going to be relaxed in providing you the recommended websites for Original Star Toy War, we believe we have achieved that.”

When I receive sagacious renderings from the bad advice, I often feel defeated before I have even begun. But now? Ah, now.

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