Postcard from Outside the Box, as Composed with a Colleague in Mind


The weather is great here; clear and sunny and warm. All day we frolic with tame tigers and eat brie baked with garlic and grape tomatoes on those peppery water crackers. We sip 1999 red wine and laugh – oh! how we laugh. Mostly we laugh at the people still trapped in the box (oh except you, of course), but sometimes we also laugh at good comedy, like people driving in the snow in Vancouver. Sometimes we practise our logical thought and sometimes we just nap. You can do that outside the box. You’re allowed.

We so wish you were here, but I know those cardboard edges are high and jagged. Wait! I have an idea! When you’ve retrieved the post from your bum (and I’m sure you are right now hard at work trying to ease it out), use it to vault over the edge!

Cheesefairy et al.

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