The Life Surreal

Found this paragraph on a message board for The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou at IMDb:

You remind me of some juvenile who is melodramatically traumatized by the fact that his parents took the car away from him, and so then decides to tell their story to the world like some Uber-Nelson Mandela. YOU THINK YOU SAW SOMETHING AND NOW YOU ARE CONVINCED THAT IT IS THERE.

It’s so delightfully nonsensical. It has no apparent bearing on its topic – that of possible gay themes in TLAwSZ. I think this is awesome. What is an Uber-Nelson Mandela? Is it anything like an Uber-Chassis? Because if so, I think I know who posted that comment.

I thought the movie was excellent. It walks that line between too bizarre and just bizarre enough. And as you walk the line too, you are accompanied by nice friends like: Portuguese covers of Bowie, Willem Dafoe, pretty fish, Bill Murray, Italy and red knitted caps.

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