Pictorial II

Yesterday, +8 degrees and sunny (with apologies to those in -27 degree weather),

we flew across town and back again

to decorate our Seasonal Shelf


even closer?

There is a song by the Pogues (the sans-Shane McGowan Pogues, obviously) called “Pachinko.” It features many pinball sound effects and a weird little chorus, ” I go deji pachi/ I go deji pachi/ I go deji pachi/ in my pachinko dream. I go uchi domi/ I go uchi domi/ I go uchi domi/ in my pachinko dream.” Not just the lyrics, but the actual tune, with its bazillion separate tracks, is whistling through my cavernous head as I type this.

First person to explain a) why this song is in my head and b) how to get it the fuck out gets a prize. If this means you have to come clean about the voodoo spell you cast on me where bad, obscure music haunts and taunts me, so be it. You’ll feel better, won’t you?

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