Today I received my first piece of paper work-spam. The letter is addressed to me! And it says,
“To help you transform from an “Administrative Assistant” into a “Knowledge Assistant,” I’m excited to invite you to attend our training…join administrative assistants, receptionists, office managers, executive secretaries and other governmental administrative staff for this exciting event!” (ps, it’s in Edmonton, in February. No THANK you!)
Will I get a free wardrobe and hairdo? I didn’t think so. Without a makeover, you have no excitement and no transformation. All you’re describing here is a baby shower without the presents and crudites.
Newsflash, The Performance Institute: most Administrative Assistants don’t want to invest too much time or energy becoming better at what they do. One thing this kind of work does for some people is illustrate how the people we Assist Administratively are no different, give or take some experience, than anyone else. In turn, their jobs become more attainable, as in me saying, “Hey hey! I do not have to be a god to manage a staff of 50!”
Thus, the step from Administrative Assistant is not to “Other Kind Of ” or “Better!” assistant, but to something more like “Manager” or “Executive Director,” depending.
Also? Please do not concern yourself with the management, administration or like obscurement of poor l’il knowledge. Let it exist unruly and magical and allow those who seek it to find it without impediment.
Oh, and I won’t be attending, so all y’alls’ tax dollars are safe for another day. Least the parts I’m spending.
I saw a German Shepherd dogg (2 Gs? ya think?) today, playing fetch with a pylon. He would carry it for a bit, stopping and staring back at the passers-by who were looking at him funny. “I’ve got a pylon! Have you got a pylon? Because I’ve got a pylon!”
A google image search for “pylon + dog” retrieves: this page, which is just cool.
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