My friend Melissa who has no website to link to, alas, recommended an internet radio station named Whole Wheat Radio to me, quite some time ago. She was listening to it obsessively from her cubicle in her boring job in Wisconsin, as a way to stay sane AND prepare for a trip to Alaska, which is where WWR starts before it is broadcast over the WWW. Well, I didn’t have speakers on my computer at work at the time, so I filed the information in my brain-cabinet under “somedaymusiccool.”
Of late, I found myself with more speakers than a girl really needs – 2 sets at work (2 computers; 2 desks; 2 jobs, just call me Jacob) – a nifty set on the ibook, etc. I accessed my brain-cabinet and went to the Whole Wheat Radio site & it sounded mighty fine but I didn’t have time to really listen. 2 busy 2 do much but weep & sleep.
Then today came. Today is a rainy, grey, perfect saturday. The catt has been following me around my house and curling up in my lap every time I sit down. I have had several cups of peppermint tea and I am wearing a cardigan. ( I have well and truly taken the “Librarian Look” to heart. As though I had been waiting for 15 years to become fashionable.) It’s been half an hour or so of WWR and I have heard some wonderful folk play their music, I have registered myself as a listener and chosen a monkey icon and I have sat, delighted and astounded, as the computer radio voice read me my horoscope and linked aloud to my blog. What a lovely bunch of people. Oh and now they’re playing a jammytastic version of “Summertime,” one of my most favourite songs.
How does the internet get inside my head? I guess now I know why there’s no room in there for important stuff like how to address a Minister of State in a formal letter.
So anyway, thanks, Melissa. And thanks, yummy whole wheat people.
In other, somewhat related news
For any of you who may be worried that my interest in monkeys is overtaking my interest in ducks and squirrels, fear not. All the duck-related paraphanelia you have acquired for my many upcoming years of birthdays will still be usable. But monkeys! Monkeys are so cool! They swing from things and chatter and deep (or not-so-deep for some of us) down, we all are a little bit monkey. Perhaps my interest in monkeys is my way of joining civilization again, after segregating myself as a duck-type for so long. My way of saying “hello, I am also human. whassup?”
Completely unrelated
Yesterday at the liquor store, a bottle caught my eye. It was red wine from China called Medlar Red Wine. There was a little card in English that told me how good the wine was for me; it would have tonic effects, strengthen my hair and nails, make me a nicer, more patient person and hand me my purpose in life on a piece of bone china with some chips on the side. So I bought it. It was $9.99. The bottle, when I got it home and out of the box (I know! It came with a box!), did not have the English translation on it, just the Chinese. I have no way of remembering what the actual purpose of the tonic is. But I know it’s tonic. I wonder if it’s because of the shape or the colour or size or what. My mind doesn’t specify “hair tonic” or “booty tonic” or anything. My eyes look at the bottle and my mind says “tonic.” But I do go on. See:
The best thing was in the box with the bottle. It looks like this:
It’s an awesome weapon! I believe it is to be used to open the bottle, since there doesn’t appear to be a better way to open the bottle, but also I like to imagine that when I drink the Tonic, I will become a fierce warrior and the small cutter will become a giant weapon and I will stride down the street in monstrous heavy boots and a wide-brimmed black hat, grimacing and searching for evil to destroy.
But name me another booze that comes with a weapon. I know! It’s CRAZY!
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