Cheap Shot o the Day

Last night I was dozing in front of the TV, waiting for America’s Next Top Model to come back for another season, dammit! and a video played on MuchMusic. It was a wailing man, singing “Levon.” The Elton John song, Levon, which apparently is a recurring theme for me in 2004 as it just keeps turning up in the most unlikely places. Anyway, this guy! This guy who was singing was so dorky! (also, he had an annoying, Andrew Lloyd Webber [weber?] type voice that I can only really describe by doing it so remind me the next time you see me) He had spiky blond receding hairline hair. And he was wearing Rockstar Clothes; turned up collar and leather jacket and weird facial hair and sunglasses. And he was pointing at me – at ME! – shouting “and he shall be LEVON!” Hey – what did I ever do to you, buddy?

So I watched till the end to find out who this assclown was. And so you don’t have to, without further ado I present: Billy Klippert. He was the second runner up in Canadian Idol. According to his bio:

He is 24.


“[he] has recorded an album that stays close to his rock roots while maintaining a link to his broad fan base.”


“First single from the album is ‘Levon,’ an ode to his fans and the song that made him a household name across Canada.”

So you mean people have already been subjected to this man’s version of “Levon” – over & over & over…

Also, I don’t think you should call something an ODE TO if you didn’t write it – a TRIBUTE, maybe. Let’s ask Elton & Bernie, shall we?

OH! And the almost best part? Billy Klippert has a Rock N Roll Band (with his brother, Bennie [no Jets, though]) called “Kovered in Lies.”

Kovered in Lies

Chad Kroeger, you may walk the streets safely again. I gots me a new target.

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