Dear Mr. Campbell

In light of your recent decision to order the striking HEU back to work (after three whole days of job action) and to have Mr. Bruce write and impose an agreement in the interim, I am compelled to remind you that you and your wingnut associates have no place in this dispute. The point of a union is not to make some sort of symbolic point by walking off the job for 3 days and then going back to work, smiley-pie, enjoying the wage cut – oh, sorry, wage saving – they have received so that you may say “We have negotiated a deal in good faith! Faith in us, which is the only faith that matters! Yay US!”

The point of a union is to fight for equity and justice. The point of a union is to fight people like you.

So, enjoy the ride, Gordo. Hey hey. Ho ho. Etc.

I do have a martini-glass full of Love and Grudging Admiration for your incredible gall. But I also really hope you get carried out of the legislature by some burly union folk and tossed onto your pretty green lawn.

If there’s a general strike, I get to walk two picket lines! General Strike! General Strike!

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