She who Must Be Obeyed!

A shameful secret: for the last two days, I have been suffering from an inordinately intense craving for peanut M&Ms. See, when I crave sweet things, once every two years or so, I get the sweet thing in question, take a bite and then I’m done for the next two years. 17 half full containers of various kinds of chocolate ice cream covered in frostbite in my freezer can attest to this. Handily and not without some premeditation, I married someone who likes a) leftovers and b) anything with sugar in it.

The other day I was at SUPERSTORE (as an aside, I just heard that superstore employees might go on strike next week. that’ll mess me up but good) and in the Isle of Bulk and I got some spicy pea mixture and I got some Muesli and then I saw the peanut M&Ms. So colourful! So round! I filled a bag with a couple hundred grams and continued shopping. By the time I got to the parking lot, I was tearing open the bag to eat them, the crunchy, sweet, salty goodness of them! I had to restrain myself from scarfing the whole bag.

Yesterday, I took them to work, thinking, well, at least they’ll last. Wrong! I ate handfuls of them! in part because the office is moving and I had packed everything (since I’ve only been there 5 weeks it took me an obscenely short amount of time to pack) and was ready to go go go. Moving doesn’t happen till 5 pm today though, so I had to do something until then.

And then, when I got home, the peanut M&Ms were in my backpack, rattling seductively. I had half a peanut butter sandwich, to quell my hunger & craving but it didn’t work. With gusto that terrified the already orange-alert catt, I filled my face with the M&M morsels and chewed so hard my eyes almost popped out.

…really! I am typing this with eyes that are bigger than they were yesterday and on looser stringy bits. You know, the bits that hold the eyes in? Those bits are looser.

I hope the craving ends soon.

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