You’ve Got the Look

I am currently amused by: the look my catt gets on his face right before jumping up on my lap while I’m sitting at my desk. There’s little reason for him to be apprehensive (except for his lingering insecurities from pre-our house) I mean, I only ever toss him back to the floor when I’m eating because otherwise he gets catt hair in my food. Ew. The rest of the time, I am more than happy to entertain him as a guest on my lap. But still, every time he plans to jump, he first sits on the floor and stares at me for a few minutes. Then he gets this look, like he’s about to bungee jump for the first time or ask his girlfriend to marry him. His eyes get all wide and his ears flatten back and his little lips set firmly and he’s thinking this is it. now or never. whatever happens after this, it was worth it and then he jumps and turns around in my lap and goes to sleep.

In other news: the VCR is not quite dead. In the last few weeks, sometimes when you rewind, it will refuse, spit the tape out and flash “1” on the display. You then have to get up, turn the power back on, pop the tape back in and carry on. This morning, it did this routine but flashed “2” on the display. Then it bit down hard on the tape inside and refused to free it. Luckily we have a screwdriver. And the VCR will live to tape all the things it is set to tape today. Huzzah.

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