I Really Enjoyed This Comment

Well, I enjoy *all* my comments. You spark my engines, you do. But this one was caught in the spam filter this morning:

“Your judgment pertaining to Aquarius Rules the Ankles is super gripping! Delighted studying it now and observed a few of the inputs evenly gripping.”

I love that my judgment is super gripping. And that the spammers took the time to put the title of the post they were spamming in the spam! They are so committed these days!

Another spammer actually found an old post, pretended to be a person researching things found in that post, sent me an email to tell me that the link in the old post was broken and wouldn’t I rather use [her spammy link] instead. Wow. Imagine what would get done is a spammer was the prime minister!

Speaking of commitment, Trombone is so committed to enjoying his treats that he just painstakingly ate the wafer from around his ice cream sandwich and is now delicately picking at the delicious ice cream part.

I just washed my kitchen floor for the first time since Fresco started crawling. Yes, he can run now. He is a fast runner, in fact, and a prolific climber. In development terms, the last time I washed my kitchen floor was a long time ago. I am a filthy person. But in other news, it only took 15 minutes to wash! Why don’t I do it more often?

I think in part because the floor is stone tile and the tiles are of a pattern that conceals dirt. They have swirls of grey built right in. Now yes, there was a giant splotch of brown in one corner that was from a coffee spill. And there were chunks of various rejected cuisine welded to another corner that were obviously courtesy of one child or another. But the rest of it, for the longest time, looked mostly all right.

One giant bucket of discoloured water later.

Now to hide the bucket before Fresco drinks it. Fantastik is not so good for the esophagus, I hear.

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