Dream, baby.

Someone found my site with the following query:

I lost my car in my dream then someone else found it what does it mean.

1. Is it a poem? Maybe a new Nickelback song?
2. What kind of results are you hoping for with a search string like that?
3. WOW I totally had that dream last night! But I won’t bother searching for the meaning because it’ll just take me to my own site and something I wrote a year ago.

In my dream, I first lost $1,100 that belonged to my employer. It turned out I didn’t actually lose it; the catt hid it. I found it and put it in my car and then when I stopped at McDonald’s for a McGriddle, my car got stolen. And the money, too. Damn catts.


Dear CBC,

I do not want you to use my tax dollars to broadcast more Cirque du Soleil. Is that really a viewer draw on an Oscar night? Do you think Canadian TV viewers don’t know how to use a VCR? We’re all watching the Oscars to see Jack Layton’s commercial. We want to tape Da Vinci’s Inquest. We don’t want to tape Cirque du Soleil. If I wanted to see Cirque du Soleil, not only is it playing all the fucking time on every other channel and touring 17 different incarnations of itself at any given time, it plays in Las Vegas. If I ever see Cirque du Soleil, it will be live and in Las Vegas. Do not play live theatre on television. Play things that are made for television on television. Like television shows. Like my GODDAMN DA VINCI.

Thank you very much.

Ah, what a bright, sunshiny leap day. Lots of leaps to all you froggies.

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