I Love Everybody, Especially You

Wait – there are only three emails in my work inbox. Why would that be? Oh yes, IT’S MY LAST DAY OF WORK! (and all I do is pee)

Thanks be to:

– The guy on my tuesday/wednesday/thursday bus home who got off at the same stop as me and always held the bus door before scampering across 12th street quick and wiry while I plodded to the light and waited.

– The 5 people who have offered me their seats on public transit in the past 6 months.

– The real, live goth I sat next to on the bus a few weeks ago. Wearing 8 inch soles on his boots, purple hair, black eyeliner and a very sober expression. I was embarrassed to be listening to Bruce Cockburn on my music player but I’m pretty sure the goth boy didn’t know.

– The woman who waters the plants at my office every Thursday. I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye. One time I wrote a story about a woman who watered plants in an office and I feel bad about it now because the real plant girl is nothing like the character I created.

– The guy at work who said to me yesterday, referring to the Hippo, “Do you know what you’re having?” and when I said no, he said, “It’s like that old joke – if my uncle dresses up like a woman, is he my aunt?” What? WHAT? Dude, you are crazy.

– The bathroom cleaning guy whom I had not seen before nor since, who, when I got into the elevator with him a couple of months ago, said, “IT’S A BOY!” while pointing to my belly.

– Jojo, my awesome replacement at work, who said to me, on her fourth day on the job, “Boy, people sure ask you a lot of stupid questions that they should already know the answers to, don’t they?” I love you, Jojo. Enjoy the fame my position brings you.

– Co-worker G, who gave me cupcake cups with little feet and a container full of barnyard animal-shaped sprinkles today so that Trombone and I can make cupcakes together before the new baby comes. Gee, is Trombone very excited about that, do you think? Holy shit.

– Co-worker A, who is missing midi Friday and our seeqpod rock-offs more than he would like to admit.

– Co-worker D, who has made sure I am well hydrated at work by bringing me cups of water for the last 3 months. And who is full of great baby name suggestions. And who would really make a great doula, if only he weren’t a man. Sorry, D. That’s just the way it is.

– The woman who works downstairs from me who without fail, every time she has seen me in the past 6 months, has said, “You look SO GOOD pregnant.” Oh my word. It is so not true but you make it sound true and I love you for it.

– All the crazies down the hall and around the bend and through the months who have made me smile, laugh, rant, cry and turn up my music louder.

Speaking of music. Thank you also to:

– Biggie Smalls, whose line “hit ’em wit a little biggie 101” has been my mantra for several weeks now

– Local ROCKSTATION CFOX, which played “Run to the Hills” this morning as soon as I got in the car to head to my doctor’s appointment.

– The best walking-in-to-work song ever (if you hate your work): Sabotage by the Beastie Boys

– and of course, this entire past 9 months is dedicated to the two, the only, Canibus and Biz Markie.

(Or you could go here for some listening. )

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