Saint Aardvark Made Me Do It

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

We can only fight Geddes if we learn her methods and how to use her weapons! Huzzah!

I have a cold. A cold! How stupid! It’s finally spring outside, with sunshine and warmth and I have been waiting to wear my very cute short pants and now I just want to mouth-breathe my way into oblivion. Stupid bus and skytrain commute. Stupid suppressed immunity. Stupid hot dog.

Yesterday, when I didn’t feel as bad as I do today, we went adventuring in the Mizzle’s only Beige Mazda Protege; off to buy a big haul of groceries and check out babby stuff at TJ’s Kiddie’s World . On our long, long drive from the Mizzle to almost Richmond, we passed a yard sale – sort of. Really it was a table, a chest of drawers, a box of mugs and a glider chair! I’ve been unable to find a glider to my liking, as I am longer from ass to teakettle, er, head, than some, so most chairs are not tall enough for me to sit and lean my head back in the manner of the sleep-deprived zombie I will probably be in …. 63 days! Ha! Had to check up top, there. How convenient.

Anyway, all the gliders are too short and besides, $600. The one that is not $600 is not so comfortable, has a cushion that squeaks under one’s buttocks like a fire hazard waiting to happen (not that I shoot fire out of my butt, mostly, but you know what I mean) and sold at several fine retailers in the lower mainland. And still, $300.

The one by the side of the road on 41st Ave. at almost Knight? $75. Sure, we had to practically hack it apart with an axe to get it in the very practical, very unyielding, not made for this sort of thing, ouch, Beige Mazda Protege. But eventually we crammed it in there & brought it home where it now sits by the window, delighted and comfytastic.

I think I need more ducks. What do you think?

TJ’s, which had offered such a wide selection of strollers at excellent prices just about a month ago, failed miserably in the departments of car seat, change pad for dresser-about-to-be-converted-to-change-table (don’t worry, Sarah, not one of your dressers) and other miscellaneous stuff, though we did have a great conversation with a woman who had her first baby 6 months ago and offered all kinds of tips and anecdotes. Prices on everything were $5 – 10 higher than babysrus, plus we were attacked by an addled saleswoman who couldn’t understand that we don’t own a car and thus need a car seat that can be removed and installed with relative ease in or from whatever car we happen to be borrowing and plus, because we don’t have a car, we don’t want to buy the most expensive car seat they sell, even if it does come in 7 different patterns. Ooh, a cow print! Well, sure, NOW it’s worth $350.

Incidentally, there was a diaper bag behind the counter that was $400.

However, Superstore had exactly what we expected and needed: plentiful groceries at very good prices. And we didn’t buy any hot dogs.

And now, I think I must begin the frequent irrigation of my sinuses with warm salt water or risk suffering with a pain-killer free version of the sinus infection from hell.

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