The Penultimate Mention of my Left, Maxillary Sinus

I have been prescribed an antibiotic so powerful it has its own website. For triple the cost of my former best friend, the sulfa antibiotic, which finishes today and at which my infection is currently laughing heartily, it had better kick some bacterial ass and it had better do it soon.

Got any good names for a family of tenacious bacteria (because, like mice, you never have just one)? If I name them, it will be easier to curse their existence and scare them out of my face, yes-yes?

According to the gentleman scholar who fell head-over-heels in love with Sarah this afternoon on Davie St., some women are stupid but others are attractive and if you don’t see – and enjoy – Meet the Fockers, you are being naive. I wanted to ask his name, to name my bacteria after him, but he was gone too quickly in his Buick sedan, waving his football out the window at the passers-by.

I suppose considering his speedy retreat, he would not qualify, tenacity-wise, to share a name with my bacteria. Perhaps I should name them “The Fockers” and be done with it. But I’m trying not to swear as much. I made a new year’s resolution when I was 6 not to swear as much.

Hey astronomy students. Want your homework assignment? Want to know what’s on the final exam? Check the website. Brilliant…or lazy? Maybe a little of both.

May I mention how much I love the “next blog” feature in blogger blogs? (Bloggity bloggorama blogtastic bloggo! Bloggah!) These days when my time at work is not so full, cruising from blogger blog to blogger blog can be a fantastic and enlightening journey. Look, when I pressed “next blog” on the astronomy teacher’s site, I got a fun l’il blog AND a recipe for cookies. Holla!

By the way, here is a link to a New Year’s Resolution generator. My resolution for 2005 was to bring back disco. You have been warned.

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